Saturday, 2 June 2012

Functions in SQLSERVER

Microsoft added a host of new features to its SQL Server 2000 product, and one of the most interesting for SQL programmers is the user-defined function. Adding functions to the Transact SQL language has solved many code reuse issues and provided greater flexibility when programming SQL queries.
This article focuses on the syntax, structure, and application of Transact SQL user-defined functions. The material presented is based on the SQL Server 2000 Beta Release 2.
Types of Functions
SQL Server 2000 supports three types of functions: scalar, in-line table functions, and multistatement table functions. All three types of functions accept parameters of any scalar data type except rowversion. Scalar functions return a single scalar value and in-line and multistatement table functions return a table data type. (NOTE: the table data type is new in SQL Server 2000.)
I. Scalar Functions
Scalar functions return a data type such as int, money, varchar, real, etc. They can be used anywhere a built-in SQL function is allowed. The syntax for a scalar function is the following:
CREATE FUNCTION [owner_name.] function_name
        ( [{ @parameter_name  scalar_parameter_type [ = default]} [,..n]])
RETURNS scalar_return_type
[WITH <function_option> >::={SCHEMABINDING | ENCRYPTION]
        RETURN scalar_expression
A simple scalar function to cube a number would look like this:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Cube( @fNumber float)
        RETURNS float
        RETURN(@fNumber * @fNumber * @fNumber)
Surprisingly, user-defined functions (UDFs) support recursion.  Here is an
SQL Server 2000 UDF using the standard factorial example:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial ( @iNumber int )
DECLARE @i     int
        IF @iNumber <= 1
               SET @i = 1
               SET @i = @iNumber * dbo.Factorial( @iNumber - 1 )
II. In-Line Table Functions
In-line table functions are functions that return the output of a single SELECT statement as a table data type. Since this type of function returns a table, the output can be used in joins of queries as if it was a standard table. The syntax for an in-line table function is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION [owner_name.] function_name
        ( [{ @parameter_name  scalar_parameter_type [ = default]} [,..n]])
[WITH <function_option>::={SCHEMABINDING | ENCRYPTION}]
RETURN [(] select_statement [)]
An in-line function to return the authors from a particular state would
look like this:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AuthorsForState(@cState char(2) )
RETURN (SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE state = @cState)
III. Multistatement Table Functions Multistatement table functions are similar to stored procedures except that they return a table. This type of function is suited to address situations where more logic is required than can be expressed in a single query. The following is the syntax for a multistatement table function:
CREATE FUNCTION [owner_name.] function_name
        ( [{ @parameter_name  scalar_parameter_type [ = default]} [,..n]])
[WITH <function_option> >::={SCHEMABINDING | ENCRYPTION]
Hierarchical data, such as an organizational structure, is an example of data that cannot be gathered in a single query. The Northwind Company database's Employees table contains a field called ReportsTo that contains the EmployeeID of the employee's manager. GetManagerReports is a multistatement table function that returns a list of the employees who report to a specific employee, either directly or indirectly.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetManagerReports ( @iEmployeeID int )
RETURNS @ManagerReports TABLE
        EmployeeID                     int,
        EmployeeFirstName              nvarchar(10),
        EmployeeLastName               nvarchar(20),
        Title                          nvarchar(30),
        TitleOfCourtesy                nvarchar(25),
        Extension                      nvarchar(4),
        ManagerID                      int
@iRowsAdded    int,           -- Counts rows added to
-- table with each iteration
        @PREPROCESSED                  tinyint,               -- Constant
for record prior
-- to processing
        @PROCESSING                    tinyint,               -- Constant
for record
-- being processed
        @POSTPROCESSED                 tinyint        -- Constant for
records that
-- have been processed
        SET     @PREPROCESSED          = 0
        SET     @PROCESSING            = 1
        SET     @POSTPROCESSED         = 2
        DECLARE @tblReports TABLE (
-- Holds employees added with each pass thru source employees table
               EmployeeID                            int,
               EmployeeFirstName                     nvarchar(10),
               EmployeeLastName                      nvarchar(20),
               Title                                 nvarchar(30),
               TitleOfCourtesy                       nvarchar(25),
               Extension                             nvarchar(4),
               ManagerID                             int,
               ProcessedState                        tinyint
        DEFAULT 0
        --Begin by adding employees who report to the Manager directly.
        INSERT INTO @tblReports
        SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title, TitleOfCourtesy,
Extension, ReportsTo, @PREPROCESSED
               FROM Employees
        WHERE ReportsTo = @iEmployeeID
        --Save number of direct reports
        SET @iRowsAdded = @@ROWCOUNT
        -- Loop through Employees table until no more iterations are necessary
        --      (e.g., no more rows added) to add all indirect reports.
        WHILE @iRowsAdded > 0
               --Set just added employees ProcessedState to PROCESSING
-- (for first pass)
               UPDATE @tblReports
                       SET ProcessedState = @PROCESSING
               WHERE ProcessedState = @PREPROCESSED
               --Add employees who report to Managers in
-- ProcessedState = PROCESSING
               INSERT INTO @tblReports
SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.Title,
e.TitleOfCourtesy, e.Extension, e.ReportsTo, @PREPROCESSED
                       FROM Employees e
INNER JOIN @tblReports r ON e.ReportsTo = r.EmployeeID
               WHERE r.ProcessedState = @PROCESSING
                       AND e.ReportsTo <> @iEmployeeID
               --Save number of rows added for this iteration
               SET @iRowsAdded = @@ROWCOUNT
--Set ProcessedState to POSTPROCESSED for Managers whose
--reports were added in this iteration
               UPDATE @tblReports
                       SET ProcessedState = @POSTPROCESSED
               WHERE ProcessedState = @PROCESSING
        --Save all data to output table
        INSERT INTO @ManagerReports
SELECT EmployeeID, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName, Title,
TitleOfCourtesy, Extension, ManagerID
               FROM @tblReports
The output of this function would be used in the same manner as a standard table. Figure 1 demonstrates JOINING the output of GetManagerReports with the Employees table to produce a listing of the organizational structure of the Northwind Company:

Figure 1: User function used in JOIN query.
Invoking Functions
There are a few syntax idiosyncrasies to observe when invoking user-defined functions. SQL Server 2000 provides some system-level user-defined functions in the Master database. These system functions are invoked with a slightly different syntax than ones that you would create. System functions that return a table have the following syntax:
::function_name ([argument_expr], [,...])
System functions that return a scalar value use this syntax:
function_name ([argument_expr], [,...])
User-created scalar and rowset functions are invoked in exactly the same
manner.  The syntax for invoking a user-created function looks like this:
[database_name] owner_name. function_name ([argument_expr], [,...])
User-defined functions do have some restrictions placed upon them. Not every SQL statement or operation is valid within a function. The following lists enumerate the valid and invalid function operations: Valid:
  • Assignment statements
  • Control-flow statements
  • Variable declarations
  • SELECT statements that modify local variables
  • Cursor operations that fetch into local variables
  • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statement that act upon local table variables
  • Built-in, nondeterministic functions such as GetDate()
  • Statements that update, insert, or delete tables or views
  • Cursor fetch operations that return data to the client
Performance Implications
Using UDFs will impact the performance of queries. The extent of the performance impact depends upon how and where you use a user-defined function. This is also true of built-in functions. However, UDFs have the potential for more dramatic performance hits than built-in functions. You should exercise caution when implementing functions in your queries and perform benchmarking tests to insure that the benefits of using your functions exceed the performance costs of using them.
Uses for Functions
Check constraints
Scalar user-defined functions can be used as check constraints for columns in table definitions. As long as an argument to the function is a constant or built-in function or an argument is the column being checked, the function may be used to validate the column's value. These UDF check constraints provide the ability to use more complex logic for determining acceptable column values than Boolean expressions or LIKE patterns would allow.
The following function validates that a serial number follows a specific pattern and portions of the serial number match a specific algorithm for a product type.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ValidSerialNumber( @nvcSerialNumber nvarchar(50))
@bValid        BIT,
        @iNumber               INT
        --default to invalid serial number
        SET @bValid = 0
        --Home Office Product
        IF @nvcSerialNumber LIKE
               SET @iNumber = CONVERT(int,RIGHT(@nvcSerialNumber,4))
               IF @iNumber % 7 = 2
                       SET @bValid = 1
        -- Video Game
        IF @nvcSerialNumber LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][A-Z][0-9]5[A-Z]'
               SET @iNumber = CONVERT(int,LEFT(@nvcSerialNumber, 3))
               IF @iNumber % 2 = 0
                       SET @bValid = 1
RETURN ( @bValid)
CREATE TABLE dbo.CustomerProduct
        CustomerID             int            NOT NULL       PRIMARY KEY,
        ProductID              int            NOT NULL,
        SerialNumber           nvarchar(20)   NOT NULL
        CHECK(dbo.ValidSerialNumber(SerialNumber) = 1)
Computed columns
Scalar functions can be used to compute column values in table definitions. Arguments to computed column functions must be table columns, constants, or built-in functions. This example shows a table that uses a Volume function to compute the volume of a container:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Volume (          @dHeight       decimal(5,2),
@dLength       decimal(5,2),
@dWidth decimal(5,2) )
RETURNS decimal (15,4)
        RETURN (@dHeight * @dLength * @dWidth )
CREATE TABLE dbo.Container
        ContainerID            int            NOT NULL
        PRIMARY KEY,
        MaterialID             int            NOT NULL
REFERENCES Material(MaterialID),
        ManufacturerID         int            NOT NULL
        Height                 decimal(5,2)   NOT NULL,
        Length                 decimal(5,2)   NOT NULL,
        Width                  decimal(5,2)   NOT NULL,
        Volume AS
                       dbo.Volume( Height, Length, Width )
You should note that computed columns might be excluded from being indexed if user-defined functions determine their value. An index can be created on the computed column if the user-defined function is deterministic (e.g., always returns the same value given the same input).
Default constraints
Default column values can be set with user-defined functions. UDFs can be very useful when a hard-coded value or built-in function does not suffice. For example, if a doctor's office wished to save a patient's appointment preference, a user-defined function could calculate the default day and time in a function by using the current date/time when the patient's record was created. If the patient's record were created on a Friday at 10:34 AM the AppointmentPref column would default to "Friday at 10:00" using the following function:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AppointmentPreference ( @dtDefaultDateTime datetime )
RETURNS nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @nDay          nvarchar(10),
        @nHour         nvarchar(6),
        @nPreference           nvarchar(50),
        @tiHour        tinyint
        --Get date description
        SET @nDay = DATENAME(dw, @dtDefaultDateTime )
        --Find current hour
        SET @tiHour = DATEPART(hh,@dtDefaultDateTime)
        --Use only 12-hour times
        IF @tiHour > 12
               SET @tiHour = @tiHour - 12
        --Don't allow appointments during lunch
        IF @tiHour = 12
               SET @tiHour = 1
        -- These are invalid hours
        IF @tiHour IN(5,6,7,8)
               SET @tiHour = 4
        --Create preference text
        SET @nPreference = RTRIM(@nDay) + '''s at ' +
CONVERT(varchar(2),@tiHour) + ':00'
        RETURN ( @nPreference)
CREATE TABLE dbo.Patient
        PatientID              int            NOT NULL       PRIMARY KEY
        FirstName              nvarchar(20)   NOT NULL,
        LastName               nvarchar(20)   NOT NULL,
        Addr1                  nvarchar(50),
        Addr2                  nvarchar(50),
        City                   nvarchar(50),
        State                  nvarchar(2),
        ZipCode        nvarchar(20),
        HomePhone              nvarchar(20),
        WorkPhone              nvarchar(20),
AppointmentPref nvarchar(50)
DEFAULT (dbo.AppointmentPreference(GETDATE()))
Scalar user-defined functions can be used to assign values to scalar variables. They may be used in any situation where a scalar built-in function may be used.
DECLARE @fCube  float
SET @fCube = dbo.Cube( 4.5 )
Control flow
Scalar user-defined functions may be used to control program flow when used in Boolean expressions.
IF dbo.ValidSerialNumber('002A15A') = 1
        PRINT 'Yes'
        PRINT 'No'
Case expressions
User-defined functions that return a scalar value can be used in any of the cases of CASE expressions. The following example uses the DailySpecial function in a case function to determine what to display for a given day:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DailySpecial( @nvcDay nvarchar(10))
DECLARE @nvcSpecial    nvarchar(100)
        SET @nvcDay = UPPER(@nvcDay)
        IF @nvcDay = 'SUNDAY'
               SET @nvcSpecial = 'Roast beef with green beans and
baked potato'
        IF @nvcDay = 'MONDAY'
               SET @nvcSpecial = 'Chopped beef with green bean
        IF @nvcDay = 'TUESDAY'
               SET @nvcSpecial = 'Beef stew'
        IF @nvcDay = 'WEDNESDAY'
               SET @nvcSpecial = 'Beef pot pie'
        IF @nvcDay = 'THURSDAY' OR @nvcDay = 'FRIDAY'
               OR @nvcDay = 'SATURDAY'
               SET @nvcSpecial = 'Beef surprise'
RETURN ( @nvcSpecial )
--Use output of DailySpecial function
SELECT   Special =
    CASE DateName(dw, getdate())
WHEN 'Sunday' THEN dbo.DailySpecial('Sunday')
               WHEN 'Monday' THEN
               WHEN 'Tuesday' THEN
        WHEN 'Wednesday' THEN dbo.DailySpecial('Wednesday')
         ELSE 'It's a mystery!'
Alternative to views
Rowset functions, functions that return tables, can be used as alternatives to read-only views. Since views are limited to a single select statement, user-defined functions can provide greater functionality than a view. Powerful logic can be used when determining the records returned, which is not possible within a view. Also, views cannot accept parameters so a separate view must be created if the WHERE clause must change for different search c riteria.
Alternative to temporary tables Rowset functions can be used as alternatives to temporary tables. For example, if you wished to find authors in the Pubs database who sold no books in a particular state, you could create a couple of functions that would generate the desired resultset.
To find the quantity of books sold for a particular author in a given state you could write the following function:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AuthorPoularityForState ( @cState Char(2))
        SELECT a.au_id, a.au_fname, a.au_lname,
               SUM(s.qty) AS QTY
        FROM Authors a
               INNER JOIN TitleAuthor ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id
               INNER JOIN Titles t ON t.title_id = ta.title_id
               INNER JOIN Sales s ON s.title_id = t.title_id
               INNER JOIN Stores st ON st.Stor_ID = s.stor_id
        WHERE  st.state = @cState
        GROUP BY a.au_id, a.au_fname, a.au_lname
        ORDER BY QTY DESC, a.au_lname, a.au_fname
You could then create another function that would use the output from the first function to find the authors in a particular state that have not had any sales:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ReallyBoringAuthorsForState ( @cState Char(2) )
SELECT a.au_id as AuthorID, a.au_fname AS AuthorFirstName,
        a.au_lname AS AuthorLastName, @cState AS State
        FROM AuthorPopularityForState(@cState ) pa
        RIGHT JOIN authors a ON pa.AuthorID = a.au_id
        WHERE IsNull(pa.UnitsSold, 0) = 0
The following SQL statement would list the California authors who had not sold any books:
SELECT AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName, AuthorID
        FROM ReallyBoringAuthorsForState('CA')
ORDER BY AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName

Figure 2: List of authors without book sales
Before the release of SQL Server 2000, temporary tables would likely have been used to generate the interim data to be used for the final query output. By using functions instead of temporary tables, potential table name concurrency problems are avoided. Functions also offer greater code reuse than temporary tables.
As demonstrated , user-defined functions provide many more programming options than there were before UDFs were included in the Transact SQL language. SQL Server programmers have waited a long time for the user-defined functions Microsoft made possible with SQL Server 2000. The advantages of code reusability and of fixing problems in a single routine can now be realized by incorporating UDFs into our designs. Now if we could only be given arrays in the next version.

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