Saturday, 2 June 2012

Silverlight Controls


Editor's Note: This article is written about Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1. Topics covered in this article may change in newer versions of Silverlight.
With the introduction of Silverlight 2.0 beta 1 at MIX08 in March, the infant Silverlight platform took a big step forward. It now has rich support for data binding. It has a vastly increased subset of WPF's UI engine. It even has radical new technologies like Deep Zoom. But most importantly, Silverlight 2.0 beta 1 introduces a brand new collection of built-in UI controls.
The new UI controls are not a surprise, but they are a key milestone in Silverlight's maturation. Microsoft has always shipped platform technologies with a collection of built-in controls, and beta 1 ushers in that era for Silverlight. Developers evaluating the platform as an alternative to building applications in ASP.NET or WinForms can now seriously consider it since it has the beginnings of the complete UI productivity toolbox.
The UI controls introduced in Silverlight 2 beta 1, though, are unique in many ways from the controls that precede it. They are shipping with an unprecedented licensing model (for Microsoft UI controls, that is) and are doing many things with XAML controls that WPF has yet to produce (eh..hem…DataGrid). In this article, we'll look at each of the 29 UI controls that ship in Silverlight 2 beta 1 and introduce you to their features, unique properties, and talk about some of the shortcomings in the current versions of the controls.
Layout Controls

Silverlight 2 beta 1 ships with three built-in layout controls: Canvas, StackPanel, and Grid. Before the beta release, Silverlight only provided a basic Canvas layout control, so the addition of the new StackPanel and Grid greatly improve your ability to flexibly (or precisely) control element position in your Silverlight application. If you've done any Windows development (especially with WPF) the "layout container" concept should be very familiar. If you're coming from the ASP.NET world (like me), it takes a little more getting used to.
In short, these layout containers help you position elements in your Silverlight application so that you don't have to manually set absolute positions for every element on your page. As your page is resized or as you add elements to your page, the layout containers intelligently shift things around based on their defined behavior- work you would have to do manually otherwise. Furthermore, these layout containers can be nested and extended, so they greatly improve your ability to build custom UI controls or more advanced auto-layout tools.
The Canvas layout control is the most basic, and it has been around since the very first Silverlight versions. It provides the simple ability to absolutely position child elements relative to the canvas' top left corner. For example, let's say we have the following code (Listing 1) that adds a simple TextBlock to a Silverlight canvas:
Listing 1 - Canvas usage
      <TextBlock Text="This is text on a blank canvas." 
            Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="50" />
When this code is rendered by the Silverlight plug-in, we'll see our text positioned 50 pixels from the top of the page and 50 pixels from the left of the page (Listing 2).
Listing 2 - Canvas with Textblock
The same result could have been achieved by simply adding a TextBlock to the default Silverlight UserControl (with no Canvas tag). That's because the UserControl provides a surrounding default canvas that can be used for element positioning if no other layout controls are used. All other layout controls are positioned relative to this default container. But be careful! The default container can only contain one element, so you'll almost always make a layout control the first element in your UserControl.
If I nest one canvas in another, the elements in each canvas will remain relative to the top left of their direct parent. In other words, elements in a canvas are not always absolutely positioned to the top left of the page. If the origin of the canvas moves, so do the relative locations of the contained elements on the page. Listing 3 illustrates this with a second canvas (colored red for clarity) added to first, but shifted 75 pixels down and to the right.
Listing 3 - Nested canvas
      <TextBlock Text="This is text on a blank canvas." 
            Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="50" />
      <Canvas Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="50" Background="Red">
            <TextBlock Text="This is text on a blank canvas." 
                  Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="50" />
Anybody notice what's missing in the image in Listing 3? If you said the red background that's "supposed" to be filling our second canvas, you're right. This highlights an important nuance of the Canvas control: while it will allow you to position items "in it", it won't automatically "expand" its background to hold the fill color. By default a canvas has a height and width of 0 and a transparent background. If we add height and width of 50 to our second canvas, we now see its position on the page (Listing 4).
Listing 4 - Canvas with visible background
The StackPanel enables you to easily position elements next to each other, both horizontally and vertically. In the web world, this is typically the type of layout implemented with HTML and CSS, where the next item on the page renders right where the other one stopped. It's less precise than the Grid layout, but much more flexible for scenarios where you may not know the user's resolution.
Let's see it in action. If you add two simple rectangles to a Silverlight canvas, by default they'll render overlapped (Listing 5). If a Stack Panel is used, though, the elements will automatically render next to each other. You can change the StackPanel's rendering mode by setting the Orientation property to either Horizontal or Vertical (default). Listing 7 shows the same rectangles in a StackPanel with Orientation set to Horizontal.
Listing 5 - Default positioning

Listing 6 - Position with a StackPanel
      <Rectangle Width="100" Height="50" Fill="Red"></Rectangle>
      <Rectangle Width="50" Height="25" Fill="Green"></Rectangle>
Listing 7 - Horizontal StackPanel
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
      <Rectangle Width="100" Height="50" Fill="Red"></Rectangle>
      <Rectangle Width="50" Height="25" Fill="Green"></Rectangle>
Sure to confuse more than a few ASP.NET developers, Grid is not a datagrid. It's another layout control, most directly comparable to the HTML table. And as you would expect from a table-esque control, the Grid layout control allows you to precisely position your page elements in rows and columns. The Grid supports both fixed-width columns and "liquid" columns that fill the available space. Listing 8 shows a basic Grid layout control with 2 columns and 3 rows, with the second column set to a fixed width and the first liquid.
Listing 8 - Basic Grid layout control
<Grid x:Name="gridLayout1" Background="White">
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="300"></ColumnDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="300"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="200"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
As you can see from the code in Listing 8, the "*" operator is used to define liquid dimensions in Silverlight. You can also gather that Grids are defined by collections of ColumnDefinitions and RowDefinitions defined in the XAML. Unlike HTML tables, though, content is not directly added to the column/row definitions. Instead, new controls are added within the Grid's opening and closing tags and are then positioned by setting Grid.Column and Grid.Row dependency properties (both of which will default to 0). Listing 9 shows the new Grid XAML with TextBlocks added to each cell.
Listing 9 - Grid with content
<Grid x:Name="gridLayout1" Background="White">
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="300"></ColumnDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="50"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="100"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
            <TextBlock Text="C1R1" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" />
            <TextBlock Text="C2R1" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" />
            <TextBlock Text="C1R2" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" />
            <TextBlock Text="C2R2" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" />
            <TextBlock Text="C1R3" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" />
            <TextBlock Text="C2R3" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" />
Grids also support a number of other advanced features, like column/row spanning (a concept borrowed from HTML tables), auto spacing, and even proportional sizing. The last feature is pretty cool because it allows you to set the width of a column to, let's say, "3*" and the column will automatically scale in proportion to the other columns (3:1 ratio). If only it were so elegant in HTML!
Input Controls

After layout controls, some of the most essential controls in any "real world" application are input controls. They are so common and so often used that we tend to forget their essential utility until they are missing. Such is the case with Silverlight 1.0, where even basic controls like buttons and textboxes are absent. Fortuantely, Silverlight 2.0 beta 1 solves that problem.
In the current beta, there is a near complete collection of input controls, including: Button, Calendar, CheckBox, DatePicker, ListBox, RadioButton, Slider, TexBox, ToggleButton, and even a WatermarkedTextBox. While this is a great start, the list is missing notable input controls common in other Microsoft platforms like a dropdownlist/combobox, rich textbox, image button, and upload control. While some of these may be added in subsequent betas, you can fully bet the 3rd party component makers, like Telerik, will fill-in the gaps.
Most of the new input controls included in Silverlight are fairly standard and will feel just like their ASP.NET and WinForms counterparts. Nonetheless, let's take a look at each so you can see what the markup looks like how each control renders in the browser.
Button & ToggleButton
One of the most basic and fundamental input controls is the button. Many applications would be rendered useless without at least one button doing something, so you'll probably end-up using this control (or controls derived from it) a lot. Listing 10 shows the basic XAML required to add a button to your Silverlight application and shows the default rendering.
Listing 10 - Default button
<Button Width="80" Content="Push Me"></Button>
Notice that the button's text is set via the Content property, not a "Text" property. This change was made to reflect the concept that a Button (or almost any Silverlight control) can render more than simple text strings. You can render almost anything on a button, including images, videos, and, of course, simple text- thus the generic "Content" property. If you want to render more complex content to a button, you can use the button's ContentTemplate, which allows you to add a layout control to the button's content area and take full control of the rendered output. This helps overcome the absence of controls like image buttons. Listing 11 shows a more complex Silverlight button implementation that uses the ContentTemplate to add a shape and some text to the button.
Listing 11 - Button ContentTemplate
<Button Width="150">
                              <ColumnDefinition Width="30"></ColumnDefinition>
                              <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
                              <RowDefinition Height="30"></RowDefinition>
                        <Ellipse Fill="Green" Width="15" Height="15" 
                           Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0"></Ellipse>
                        <TextBlock Text="Push Me" Grid.Column="1" 
                           VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" 
The Button control, like most Silverlight controls, also provides a ClickMode property that lets you define when a click event fires: mouse hover, mouse down, or mouse up. It's a new way for web developers to think, but familiar territory for Windows developers.
Meanwhile, the ToggleButton is simply a tri-state button control. That means it has a normal state, a clicked state, and an in-between "toggled" state. It's not very common in standard web applications, but the concept is simple to grasp. All features of the regular Silverlight Button are supported by the ToggleButton.
Calendar & DatePicker
A little more complex than a basic button, the Calendar control serves the universal purpose of helping users visualize and provide DateTime information. And directly related, the DatePicker control simply takes a Calendar and automatically attaches it to a Textbox so that it's easy for you to collect date input. The Calendar/DatePicker in Silverlight more closely resemble the rendering and features of an ASP.NET calendar than the terrible default calendar than comes with WinForms, so this territory will be more familiar for web developers than Windows developers.
The Calendar control has a number of unique properties that customize the control's behavior, including AreDatesInPastSelectable, DisplayDateEnd/Start, DisplayMode, FirstDayOfWeek, IsTodayHighlighted, and SelectableDateEnd/Start. Most of these properties expose their behavior through their naming, so little explanation is needed. The Calendar control is not as full featured as most 3rd party calendar controls currently available for other Microsoft platforms, but is a much better "basic" starting point than Microsoft has provided in the past.
Listing 12 shows a basic Silverlight Calendar in both Month and Year DisplayModes. Also shown is the Silverlight DatePicker in both collapsed and expanded states.
Listing 12 - Basic Silverlight Calendar
<Calendar DisplayMode="Month" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday"></Calendar>
<DatePicker Width="150"></DatePicker>
CheckBox & RadioButton
CheckBoxes and RadioButtons are universally recognized, common in many applications, and essential parts of the Silverlight UI control set. The Checkbox and RadioButton in Silverlight very closely resemble their HTML/ASP.NET counterparts, both in functionality and property naming. The controls share the Content property for defining the elements that will be rendered next to the checkbox/radiobutton and also share the IsThreeState property. The IsThreeState property enables the CheckBox and RadioButton to operate as tri-state controls, similar to the functionality of the ToggleButton.
The CheckBox has one unique property called IsChecked. Just as in ASP.NET, this property enables you to programmatically set the checkbox's selected state. Meanwhile, the RadioButton has the unique GroupName property, which is used to define which radiobuttons will be toggled when a selection is made. Listing 13 shows both of these controls and their default rendering.
Listing 13 - Silverlight CheckBox and RadioButton
<CheckBox IsChecked="True" IsThreeState="True" Content="Checkbox" />
<RadioButton GroupName="rb" Content="RadioBtn1" />
<RadioButton GroupName="rb" Content="RadioBtn2" />
The ListBox control is a very flexible UI control in Silverlight that makes it easy to display lists of data. It is similar to the ASP.NET ListBox, but much more flexible thanks to Silverlight's XAML underpinnings that allow anything to be rendered in each list item (via the ContentTemplate property). The ListBox accepts a collection of ListBoxItems to define items, and it will automatically render scrollbars if the content is larger than the ListBox dimensions. Listing 14 shows the ListBox in action.
Listing 14 - Silverlight ListBox
<ListBox Width="150" Height="80">
      <ListBoxItem Content="Item 1" />
      <ListBoxItem Content="Item 2" />
      <ListBoxItem Content="Item 3" />
      <ListBoxItem Content="Item 4" />
      <ListBoxItem Content="Item 5" />
      <ListBoxItem Content="Item 6" />
If you are binding data to your ListBox control, you bing the collection to the ItemSource property (similar to the DataSource property on ASP.NET controls). The collection can be anything that implements IEnumerable, so the binding support is very flexible. You can also use the SelectedItem and SelectedIndex properties to identify items that users select.
Slider is not a standard control in the ASP.NET developers default toolbox, though many free and 3rd party implementations exist to fill the gap. With Silverlight, the tool is built-in to the platform and immediately at your disposal.
As far as the implementation goes, it's a pretty standard control with support for vertical and horizontal rendering, setting minor and major ticks, and setting slider range values. The most serious missing "feature" is support for the mouse scroll wheel, though technically, that's a Silverlight platform problem (Silverlight doesn't currently support the scroll wheel, though workarounds do exist). Hopefully future versions of the platform will fix this problem. In the mean time, keyboard support abounds and the control's rich event model will enable you to do a lot of fun things in the browser.
Listing 15 shows the default Slider control rendering. You can click and drag the slider, click anywhere on the slider "bar", or use the keyboard to change the slider's value.

Listing 15 - Silverlight Slider
<Slider IsDirectionReversed="True" Width="200" 
      SmallChange="10" LargeChange="20" 
      Minimum="0" Maximum="100" />
Some of the Slider's unique properties are illustrated in Listing 15, such as SmallChange, LargeChange, Minimum, and Maximum. The Min and Max properties obviously set the value range that the slider represents, and the Change properties dictate how many units the slider will move per interaction. Clicking on the Slider track will trigger a "large" change; using the keyboard will trigger "small" changes.
TextBox & WatermarkedTextBox
Controls don't get much more basic than a TextBox (a rectangle that accepts text), and Silverlight doesn't do much to innovate on the tried and true basic. There are two flavors of TextBox in Silverlight 2 beta 1: regular and watermarked. Both share the exact same feature set with the key exception that the WatermarkedTextBox has an extra Watermark property.
The only unique feature of the current TextBox is that it now supports line breaks, so you can employ a simple multi-line textbox. Other than that, there is no rich text editing support provided with the current textbox controls. This could present a real challenge for web scenarios where developers are used to working with formatted HTML.
Listing 16 shows both variants of the Silverlight textboxes and the required XAML.
Listing 16 - Silverlight Textbox and WatermarkedTextBox
<TextBox Text="Some text" Width="200" />
<WatermarkedTextBox Watermark="Enter text" Width="200" />
Navigation Controls

Your users won't get very far if they can't traverse your application, and that's where the Silverlight navigation controls come in to save the day. There are only a couple of controls I consider "navigation" controls in the current Silverlight 2 beta 1, though some of the Input controls we've already looked at (like the button) could also be used for navigation. The controls we'll look at in this section- HyperlinkButton, ScrollBar, and ScrollViewer- can all be used to help users navigate through your application or navigate your content. Let's see how they work.
The HyperlinkButton is a familiar carryover from the ASP.NET world and it serves the primary purpose of making it easy to link to other URLs. The HypelinkButton exposes all of the "standard" Silverlight button properties with one key addition: the NavigateUri property. To use the control, you can simply set this to a valid Uri and Silverlight will automatically redirect you to that location. Listing 17 shows a simple implementation of the HyperlinkButton. Notice that by default it renders in blue (standard link usability on the web), but it does not underline by default (hovered or unhovered). This is something you may want to address manually to make your Silverlight application more user friendly on the web.
Listing 17 - Silverlight HyperlinkButton
<HyperlinkButton NavigateUri="" Content="Click Me" /> 
The NavigateUri property cannot be used to "navigate" to different XAML pages in your Silverlight application. If you try to pass a relative XAML location to this property (like, let's say, page2.xaml), Silverlight will throw an exception.
ScrollBar & ScrollViewer
The ScrollBar and ScrollViewer controls, unlike the Hyperlink, are familiar carryovers from the WinForms world. The ScrollBar control provides a flexible implementation of a scrollbar that you can use for any number of purposes, not just scrolling content. In essence, it is Slider control with RepeatButtons automatically rendered on either end of the track. The ScrollViewer, meanwhile, is more focused on delivering support for scrolling content. It is actually composed with ScrollBar controls internally, so it is not adding any new scrolling features that the ScrollBar doesn't offer. In fact, the ScrollViewer loses a few important features, like the ScrollBar's usefull Scroll event, so make sure you pick the control that best suits your needs.
As far as unique properties go, the ScrollBar exposes a few important properties that enable you to control scrolling behavior. The properties are very similar to those on the Slider control, such as Maximum, Minimum, LargeChange, SmallChange, and Orientation. The purpose of these properties should be pretty self-evident- set a ScrollBar value range, the size of ScrollBar steps when clicked (large steps occur when the track is clicked, small steps when the buttons are clicked), and the Horizontal or Vertical orientation of the ScrollBar. More interesting is the ViewportSize property. This property allows you to tell the ScrollBar how much of the scrollable "content" is visible so that the "thumb" (the movable scrollbar) can be sized appropriately. The larger that you make the ViewportSize value, the wider the thumb will be.
The ScrollBar also exposes two helpful events: OnScroll and OnValueChanged. Both of these events allow you to respond to user interaction with the ScrollBar and both are missing in the ScrollViewer control by default. There are ways to "hack" these events in to the ScrollViewer, and future versions may even expose these events by default, but for now this is one of the key shortcomings of the ScrollViewer control.
Listing 18 shows a basic ScrollBar control with a few of its "unique" properties set. Notice that the width of the ScrollBar's thumb is wider than default thanks to the value supplied to ViewportSize.
Listing 18 - Silverlight ScrollBar
<ScrollBar Width="200" Orientation="Horizontal" 
      Maximum="200" Minimum="1" ViewportSize="50"
      LargeChange="50" SmallChange="1" />
Meanwhile, the ScrollViewer control is specifically designed to enable scrolling of content. Most Silverlight UI controls expose ScrollViewer dependency properties, but you can also manually add a ScrollViewer to your application. Since the ScrollViewer is dedicated to scrolling content, it does not provide Minimum, Maximum, Large/SmallChange, or Value properties. Instead, it provides Horizontal/VerticalScrollBarVisibility properties that can be set to one of four values: Auto, Disabled, Hidden, or Visible. Listing 19 shows the ScrollViewer in action with a TextBlock in the Viewer's content area.
Listing 19 - Silverlight ScrollViewer
<ScrollViewer Width="200" Height="50" 
            <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" 
               Text="Some text in a TextBlock in the ScrollViewer" />
Media Controls

Navigation and Input controls are essential to making any application work, but it is usually the media controls that really give an application its visual appeal. Silverlight provides a diverse array of media controls for displaying everything from basic images to the snazzy Deep Zoom images. Let's take a look at how Silverlight's UI controls enable us to display media in our beta applications.
How do you display an image in a Silverlight application? With the Image control, of course. And while you may be quick to dismiss the Image control as nothing special (I did), there are some interesting properties on this control you should be aware of, especially if you're coming from the web world. First, make a mental note: Silverlight only supports JPEG and PNG images. Sorry GIF purists, you're currently out of luck. If you try to use a GIF image in Silverlight, an application exception will be thrown.
To display an image, you need to set the Source property of the Image control. The Source property can be set to one of two things: the relative path to an image located in your Silverlight project or to an instance of the BitmapImage class set in the code behind. If you try to set the source directly to an image on the web (like, Silverlight will crash. For scenarios like that, you can use the BitmapImage in your code behind to build a new image based on a URI or stream.
Listing 20 shows a basic image control in a Silverlight application displaying an image located in the Silverlight project. When the project is built, the image is packaged in to the Silverlight XAP file (basically a ZIP archive with the Silverlight specific .xap extension that represents a deployable Silverlight application), so you don't have to worry about deploying your images separately from your Silverlight application.
Listing 20 - Silverlight Image
<Image Stretch="None" Source="images/anxious.jpg"></Image>
Listing 20 also highlights another unique property of the Image control: Stretch. You can set this to one of four enumerated values: None, Fill, Uniform, or UniformToFill. Clearly, "None" is the default value and it renders an image in its original dimensions. The other values will stretch the image, proportionally or not, to fill its parent container.
Also, don't forget about some of the Image controls inherited properties, like Opacity. By setting this value to anything less than 1 you can easily make your image translucent. Pretty cool! Now if only other image transformations were so easy…Image.AutoCrop().FixColor().MakeInteresting(). Maybe in Silverlight 3.0.
While the Image control is used for displaying static images, the MediaElement UI control is your tool of choice for "displaying" audio and video clips in your Silverlight app. It has a number of unique properties and events that allow you to take control over your media and handle downloading/buffering. Going in depth on these properties is an article unto itself, but at the highest level you need to know that, like the Image control, the MediaElement exposes a Source property that must be set to the URI of your content.
The MediaElement only supports Windows Media Video, Windows Media Audio, and MP3 formats (of varying flavors). The control also offers support for streaming if you're using a Windows Media Streaming server and limited support for Advanced Media Redirector (a.k.a. Windows Media metafiles) files. Neither of these extends Silverlight's format support, but they give you more control over how you distribute your media.
Listing 21 shows a basic MediaElement control hosting a sample Windows Media Video. Unlike the Image control, videos won't automatically get packaged in to your XAP file, which can cause some headaches when you first start playing with the control. Instead, you need to manually copy your video files to the ClientBin directory in your website for the MediaElement to find them (in the following example, WindowsMedia.wmv is in the root of ClientBin).
Listing 21 - Silverlight MediaElement
<MediaElement Source="WindowsMedia.wmv" AutoPlay="True" Opacity=".7">
The MediaElement also has support for Triggers. Triggers are essentially "bookmarks," or "chapters," that you can define for any media in the MediaElement. Typically you'd configure these ahead of time and embed them in the media (with a program like Windows Media File Editor), but you can create them dynamically be defining a collection of TimelineMarkers and passing them to the MediaElement's Markers property. Regardless of when they're created, each time a marker is reached during media playback the MediaElement's MarkerReached event fires, giving you the opportunity to create rich media playback environments.
The MultiScaleImage control is perhaps the worst named control in the current Silverlight 2 UI controls collection. The control is really the required front-end tool for taking advantage of Silverlight's new Deep Zoom technology (formerly Sea Dragon in MS Labs). Deep Zoom enables you to display HUGE images on the web in a ZUI (zoomable user interface) with smooth, animated transitions that give the illusion of seamless image zooming.
Deep Zoom images are created using a tool called, aptly, the Deep Zoom Composer. The tool takes a large image (or multiple large images) and processes them in to many smaller image "tiles" that are organized in number of folders. Each folder represents a different "layer" in the final composition. It is this collection of folders and image tiles that the MultiScaleImage references and pieces together for you in your Silverlight application.
To configure the MultiScaleImage, you simply set the Source property to location of the .bin file generated by the Deep Zoom Composer. You'll need to make sure you copy all of the folders to your ClientBin directory (or wherever you chose to host your files) in addition to the .bin file. In Listing 22, the .bin file is in the "ToddPortrait1_vandalized" directory, which is in the root of ClientBin and also contains all of the Deep Zoom generated content. If everything is configured correctly, you should see your image "zoom in" to view when your application loads.
Listing 22 - Silverlight MultiScaleImage
<MultiScaleImage Source="ToddPortrait1_vandalized/info.bin" 
      ViewportWidth="1.0" Width="300" Height="300">
The ViewportWidth property, set to "1.0" in Listing 22, controls the MSI's zoom factor. The default value is 1, which means the image will be displayed at a size that fits everything on the screen. The closer the number supplied to ViewportWidth gets to zero, the more zoomed the image will be. In other words, if we simply change the ViewportWidth to ".5" instead of "1.0," when the image loads it will be more zoomed-in (Listing 23). You can also set numbers larger than 1, but as you do the image will simply appear smaller on the page. A little backwards and confusing, I know.
Listing 23 - ViewportWidth zoomed
You can also set the ViewportOrigin property, which obviously adjusts where the image is focused when it loads. That helps you solve problems like the focus of the image above. There is also a UseSprings property that you'll discover on the MSI control. This enables you to disable the Deep Zoom animations- a big part of what makes the technology "sing"- so you'll probably rarely find a reason to set this to false.
Advanced Controls

So far we've seen a lot of "basic" controls built-in to Silverlight's UI control toolbox. Buttons, textboxes, hyperlinks, images, and the like are all relatively basic controls that form the foundation of any application UI. What we haven't seen are more advanced or complex controls like a treeview, tabstrip, panelbar, scheduler, or the ever popular carousel. As of Silverlight 2 beta 1, these controls simply aren't present and time will reveal which get included by Microsoft and which will depend on the 3rd party UI market to supply. For now, the only complex control in Silverlight is the DataGrid, so let's take a look at how it works.
DataGrids are fundamental UI controls for almost all line of business (LOB) applications. They radically simplify the task of displaying structured data to users by automatically handling the rendering of rows, columns, headers, and data navigation. Silverlight's data grid is no exception. While it is far from being a complete or "advanced" grid control by today's WinForms and ASP.NET standards, it does provide basic grid functionality.
To use the DataGrid control, you must simply bind the Grid to a list of items (that implement IEnumerable) via the ItemSource property. In the simplest approach, the Grid will automatically generate columns based on the data you supply and even render "special" column types- like checkbox columns- based on your data types. You can, of course, take more control and manually define the columns that will be rendered in your grid by setting the AutoGenerateColumns property to false.
Listing 24 shows a simple Silverlight DataGrid that is bound to data supplied by a WCF web service. The Grid is bound in the XAML page's code-behind by simply supplying the list of items returned by the WCF web service to the Grid's ItemSource property. Things to notice in listing 24 are the checkbox column automatically generated for Boolean data and that the Grid has the built-in ability to allow users to resize columns.
Listing 24 - Silverlight DataGrid
<my:DataGrid x:Name="dataGrid1" AutoGenerateColumns="true">
void proxy_GetPeopleCompleted(object sender, 
  SilverlightControls.TestServiceReference.GetPeopleCompletedEventArgs e)
    this.dataGrid1.ItemsSource = e.Result;
Unlike all of the other UI controls you've seen so far, the DataGrid UI tag is prefixed by the odd "my" name. That's because the DataGrid does not exist in the default Silverlight namespace. You need to add the namespace in Listing 25 to your XAML document in order to use the Silverlight DataGrid control. The "standard" name you'll find assigned to this namespace in most Silverlight demos is "my," but you could name this namespace whatever you like (producing <whateveryoulike:DataGrid …).
Listing 25 - DataGrid namespace
The DataGrid already exposes a number of properties that enable you to customize its appearance and behavior. Among the most significant are AlternatingRowBackground, CanUserResizeColumns, GridlinesVisibility, HeaderVisibility, RowBackground, and SelectionMode. That last property, SelectionMode, allows you to control how rows can be selected. Setting the value to SingleFullRow will only allow one row to be selected at a time; setting it to ExtendedFullRow allows users to select multiple rows by using the shift and control keys.
DataGrid Shortcomings
While the DataGrid in Sivlerligth 2 beta 1 is a great addition to the framework, it is still a far, far cry from providing the level of functionality we as developers have come to expect from datagrid controls. For example, the current DataGrid provides no out of the box support for sorting, grouping, filtering, or hierarchal data display. Paging isn't even a supported concept as all data is currently rendered and then scrolled (as is usually done in WinForms). Since Silverlight is going to attract web developers, I expect many will view this approach to paging as a shortcoming, too.
Data editing is another soft spot. The Grid does support basic inline editing, but advanced modes like form editing and pop-up window data editing are absent. For Windows developers, this probably isn't a problem; for web developers, this is another road block. That is a repeating theme in Silverlight that could pose problems for both Microsoft and UI component vendors that build for Silverlight. What type of developer do you try to please: traditional web developers migrating towards richer web experiences or traditional WinForms developers trying to build apps that can be distributed via the browser? Each group has vastly different expectations of how UI controls should behave, so it will be interesting to see which UI concepts win-out in Silverlight. 
Everything Else

At the end of the day, there are a few controls that don't cleanly fit in to the other categories. Call these controls "utility" controls or "bonus" controls or whatever you like, but this wouldn't be a complete introduction of all Silverlight 2.0 controls if we didn't briefly give them some attention.
ToolTip, while basic, is a neat little utility control that allows you to attach attractive ToolTips to just about anything in a Silverlight application. And since they're provided by the plug-in (and not the browser), you have the ability to take complete control over their styling and content. Listing 26 shows a simple ToolTip attached to a TextBlock providing users context when they hover over the element.
Listing 26 - Silverlight ToolTip
<TextBlock Text="Howdy Silverlight" control:ToolTipService.InitialShowDelay="500">
            <ToolTip HorizontalOffset="10" VerticalOffset="10" 
                  Content="Here's a tip..." />
Normally, a TextBlock doesn't expose a ToolTip property (like, say, a Button does). That's where the ToolTipService comes in to play (seen in Listing 26). Aside from giving you control (in milliseconds) over InitialShowDelay, ShowDuration, and BetweenShowDelay (as in, how long until the tip is displayed again), the ToolTipService also enables you to attach ToolTips to objects that don't expose them by default. To use the ToolTipService in Silverlight 2 beta 1, though, you'll need to add an extra namespace reference to your XAML page since the Service is not built-in to the core Silverlight assembly (unlike ToolTip). Listing 27 shows you the code that you need to add to your page.
Listing 27 - ToolTipService namespace reference
You may have also noticed in Listing 27 the HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset properties. These properties specify the offset distance in pixels relative to the cursor, not the control. At present there is no way to change other aspects of the tip's display, such as making the position relative to the object vs. the mouse or making the tip display on the left vs. the right. You'll have to wait for 3rd party controls to give you that level of control (for now).
Equivalent to the ASP.NET Label control, the TextBlock is your run of the mill read-only text control. Like the Silverlight TextBox, it exposes a Text property that enables you to set its contents (vs. the more common Content property). Beyond that, there is nothing too special about the TextBlock and you should find it very easy to use. Listing 28 shows the TextBlock "in action"- very dull action.
Listing 28 - Silverlight TextBlock
<TextBlock Text="Howdy Silverlight"></TextBlock>
The only other properties worth mentioning are TextWrap, LineHeight, and LineStackingStrategy, all of which are somewhat related. When TextWrap is set to "Wrap" (NoWrap is default), Silverlight will start wrapping text on to multiple lines when it is longer than the controls defined width. And don't expect Silverlight to look for word breaks- it will wrap in the middle of a word if that's where the length constraints hit. In any event, when Silverlight wraps, by default it will set a line height that accommodates the text and stack each line with no overlap.
If you want more control, you can manually set the LineHeight and then set the LineStackingStrategy to one of two values: MaxHeight or BlockLineHeight. MaxHeight closely imitates the default settings in that it won't allow text to overlap, even if you've set a smaller LineHeight. Changing the LineStackingStrategy to BlockLineHeight, though, will allow text to overlap giving precedence to the LineHeight setting. Listing 29 shows two identical TextBlocks with LineHeight set to 10. The only difference is the LineStackingStrategy property, and you can clearly see the impact on text positioning. In the design world, we call this type of "line spacing" leading.
Listing 29 - LineStackingStrategy
<TextBlock Text="Howdy Silverlight" TextWrapping="Wrap" 
      LineStackingStrategy="<span class=Bold>MaxHeight</span>" Width="50" 
      LineHeight="10" />
<TextBlock Text="Howdy Silverlight" TextWrapping="Wrap" 
      LineStackingStrategy="<span class=Bold>BlockLineHeight</span>" Width="50" 
      LineHeight="10" />
Border is another poorly named Silverlight UI control. With its current name, it is easy to think of it as some kind of "extension" control that enables you to add borders to other controls (like rectangles or TextBoxes). In reality, it is a control that enables you to draw boxes in your Silverlight application, similar to HTML fieldsets (a better name in my opinion). The Border control is actually a lot like the HTML fieldset because it also allows you to add other Silverlight controls directly to its contents. This is a much more convenient way to wrap elements in a box than trying to manually position everything in a rectangle on your page (the alternative approach).
Listing 30 shows a Border control with a simple TextBlock contained. Note the CornerRadius property set in the example. This property makes it very easy to round the corners of your Border box. It's a much more direct approach than the RadiusX and RadiusY properties supplied by the XAML rectangle, though clearly less configurable.
Listing 30 - Silverlight Border Control
<Border BorderThickness="3" BorderBrush="Black" Width="200" 
      Height="100" CornerRadius="20">
      <TextBlock Text="I'm in a 'Border'" />
Since Silverlight is based on XAML, you'll find it a lot easier to do basic drawing and manipulation of shapes that you do in the GDI+ worlds of ASP.NET and WinForms. Silverlight defines a number of simple shapes, such Ellipse, Rectangle, and Line. Shapes can be almost infinitely styled, so it's up to you and your imagination (and mastery of XAML…or Expression Blend) to make Shapes work for you. Listing 31 shows a simple Rectangle with a solid brush fill and an Ellipse with a gradient brush with the required XAML. How many lines of code would it take to do this with GDI+ in ASP.NET? A lot more.
Listing 31 - Silverlight Shapes
<Rectangle Fill="Red" Width="200" Height="100" />
<Ellipse Width="100" Height="50">
            <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0,1">
                  <GradientStop Color="LightGreen" Offset="0" />
                  <GradientStop Color="Black" Offset=".5" />
                  <GradientStop Color="White" Offset=".8" />
The Future of Silverlight UI Controls

Silverlight 2 beta 1 has introduced a lot of essential UI controls to the infant web platform, but there is much more that needs to be done to make Silverlight "complete." From a more complete collection of built-in controls to a robust and functioning 3rd party market, Silverlight has some work ahead of it to become an equal peer among stalwarts like WinForms and ASP.NET. There are three key areas in Silverlight's UI component model that need improvement: More advanced controls, 3rd party support, and better data access support.
Advanced Controls
While the first beta of Silverlight 2 does ship with a DataGrid control, it is lacking many of the other "complex" controls that are required to build complete line-of-business (LOB) apps. Controls like treeviews, tabstrips, menus, rich text editors, and schedulers are all absent in the current preview. Some of these controls may be added by Microsoft in the next two betas, but if history is any indication, there will be gaps in Microsoft's effort.
Part of the challenge with Silverlight and its requirement to provide vast collection of controls is that it is trying to appeal to two distinct developer groups: Windows developers that want to build their apps for the web and web developers that want more rich "desktop-like" experiences in their web apps. Each group is used to a different "default" collection of controls, so it is going to be very hard for Microsoft to please everyone. All the more reason the next point is important.
3rd Party Support
Every successful Microsoft development platform has been such due in part to rich 3rd party support, especially in the UI control arena. Microsoft recognizes that it can't (and doesn't want) to please everyone and they rely on the symbiotic relationship with component vendors to address the needs of a diverse development community. Silverlight is no exception.
As Silverlight moves past its first beta and approaches RTM near the end of summer 2008, UI component vendors (like Telerik, DevExpress, etc.) will start to ship complete toolboxes of controls built for the new platform. And while it's good to know that's coming, production versions of 3rd party UI controls are still months away. It's an important consideration to keep in mind when debating any Silverlight development this year. Just imagine how productive you'd be without your favorite UI component set in your current WinForms/ASP.NET projects!
Data Access Support
Finally, Silverlight has a long way to go to make data access a more intuitive process. Silverlight beta 1 has none of the traditional "data source" controls we've grown to expect in Microsoft's development platforms, so building a "quick" proof-of-concept Silverlight application that accesses a SQL Server database is no trivial task. At present, it requires (at least) a web service to serve the data from your web server to your Silverlight application running in the browser.
There are solutions on the horizon, like the Astoria project, that promise to ease the pain, but Microsoft has no published plans to add data source controls to Silverlight (or WPF, for that matter). Some Microsoft insiders have blogged about the possibility of data source controls in the future, but at this point it's nothing more than ideas. The only way to ensure Microsoft spends enough time on this problem is if they get clear feedback from the community- a.k.a. you! If you want data access in Silverlight to be easier, let Microsoft know.

Phew! If you've made it this far you are now a virtual expert on the controls included in Silverlight 2.0 beta 1. Hopefully you've found this information helpful and informative, and as you start making decisions to build "real world" Silverlight applications this information will give you the confidence you need to effectively evaluate the new platform. Silverlight still has a ways to go to be on par with mature platforms like WinForms and ASP.NET, but clearly it is making-up ground quickly.
A complete set of UI components is essential to making any development platform a productive environment, and beta 1 finally moves Silverlight closer to "development ready." Whether or not the current state is enough for your needs is obviously up to you to determine, but with this article under your belt, your choice should be a lot clearer.

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