Saturday, 2 June 2012

StringBuilder in C#

using System.Text;
using System;

public class clsStringBuilder

    public void Main()

        // Example #1: StringBuilder Append(string) - most common way stringbuilder is used
        // Adds the specified string or string representation of the specified value to the end
        // of the string

        Console.WriteLine("Example #1: Simple StringBuilder Append(string) ");
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.Append("First Line");
        sb.Append("Second Line");


        //write blank line to make output easier to read

        //Append(string, startIndex, count)
        // Example #2: StringBuilder Append(string, startIndex, count)
        // Adds a substring of the specified string, starting with the specified
        // position and having the specified length, to the end of the string

        Console.WriteLine("Example #2: StringBuilder Append(string, startIndex, count)");
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
        sb2.Append("The dog and cat ");
        sb2.Append("love to fight and play", 0, 13);
        //take love to fight and add to end of prev string

        //write blank line to make output easier to read

        //Insert(index, string[, count])
        // Example #3: StringBuilder Insert(index, string[, count])
        // Inserts the specified string or a string representation of the specified
        // value at the specified position in the string the specified number of
        // times. If the count is ommitted, a single copy of the string is inserted.

        Console.WriteLine("Example #3: Insert(index, string[, count])");
        StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder();

        sb3.Append("This is the initial sentence");
        sb3.Insert(20, "and modified ", 2);

        //write blank line to make output easier to read

        // Example #4: StringBuilder Remove(startIndex,count)
        // Removes the specified number of characters from the string starting at
        // the specified position

        Console.WriteLine("Example #4: StringBuilder Remove(startIndex,count)");
        StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder();

        sb4.Append("This is the initial sentence");
        sb4.Remove(20, 8);

        //write blank line to make output easier to read

        //Replace(oldString,newString [,startIndex][,count])
        // Example #5: StringBuilder Replace(oldString,newString [,startIndex][,count])
        // Replaces all occurences of the old string with the new string starting
        // at the specified position and continuing for the specified number of characters.
        // If you omit startIndex, it starts at beginning
        // If you omit count, it does entire string

        Console.WriteLine("Example #5: StringBuilder Replace(oldString,newString [,startIndex][,count])");
        StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();

        sb5.Append("This is the initial sentence");
        sb5.Replace("initial", "new");

        //write blank line to make output easier to read

        //Prevent console from closing before you press enter



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CSharp_Syntax
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            clsStringBuilder myStringBuilder = new clsStringBuilder();


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